6 - Devil's bridge crossing - VTTAE itinerary

6 - Devil's bridge crossing - VTTAE itinerary


Discover the Pont du Diable! This trail and road walk takes you through the forest and hamlets of Valloire to the hamlet of Les Verneys.

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Lasting 2 hours, this itinerary includes many forest passages and few climbs. When you arrive at Les Verneys, take the opportunity to admire the straw and hay sculptures on display throughout the summer. A must-see in Valloire. On the way back, enjoy the Valloirette Bike Park. Two technical passages: At the end of the climb through the forest, a rock is in the middle of the passage, so beginners are advised to dismount. The Pont du Diable is a suspension bridge, narrow and moving. We advise you to dismount. Physical level: easy

Guidebook with maps/step-by-step

Departure - From the tourist office, head up Rue des Grandes Alpes towards the hamlet of Les Verneys 1 - Once over the bridge, cross the D902 at Chapelle Saint Bernard to take the path towards the "La forêt de l'Enfer" accrobranch park. 2 - Continue uphill to reach Pont du Diable. 3 - Continue along the path that winds through the forest to the top of the Serroz hamlet. Follow the route des Clots through the hamlet of the same name to La Ruaz. 4 - From the chapel, take the signposted footpath on your right, which will take you to the footbridge leading to the hamlet of Les Verneys. 5 - Continue down the small asphalt road, arriving in front of the Boulangerie des Verneys. 6 - Cross the D902 to cross the bridge and turn left to take the lower or upper path. 7 - You will pass the equestrian center, then the Valloirette bike park before reaching Valloire.

Visitor alert

The Devil's Bridge is awaiting reconstruction. The ONF has installed temporary footbridges. They are short and narrow. Foot traffic is compulsory.


- The routes you take are your own responsibility. You must choose a route adapted to your physical and technical capacity. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact mountain professionals.

- Find out about the weather conditions before your departure.

- Be properly equipped to practice hiking in complete safety and deal with the vagaries of the weather.

Tell someone if you are leaving alone and prefer a morning departure so as not to be surprised by the night.

6 - Devil's bridge crossing - VTTAE itinerary